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I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Thursday, December 22, 2011


congratez to those who pass the exam with flying colours ! jyeeaahhh. macam biasa propa kerajaan kan "peratusan untuk pmr tahun ini menaik" mana penah turun kan.piraahhhhh. tp tkpe la kan, bagus la jugak hope peratusan SPM pun baguss oke. sbb ape sbb soalan semua pelik pelik. aku nk bnyk A, tolonggg la pham. time PMR dulu boleh la aku bolot 7A tapi utk SPM ni harap harap boleh la. time PMR dulu semua tu rezeki allah. tk jangka pun tp rezeki allah sape yg dapat tolak. hehhehe. mane tknye aku kt skola blaja sikit sikit je tp mybe tusyen aku drpd malam smpai pagi, then hujung minggu tk pernah benti tu la yg jd backup aku (:. okee dh penat membebel. sape dpt result cemerlang tu. tahniah oke. yg biase2 tu usaha lagi (: