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I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


alhamdulillah ! finally i've got a new smartphone . teehee. fon nie fon baru kedua aku utk tahun nie. yeeayy, fon first aku yg aku post kat entri haritu la which is x2. fon tu baba belikan and baru je pun klua market. acct dh lama nk pkai smartphone tp tk tahu nk pkai jenis ape then duit pun tk brape nk ade memandangkan baru je tuka fon kan haritu soo tk jadi la. first choice mesti la nak pkai iphone tp adik aku ckp software dye tk best lagi pun iphone bapak mahal la. tggu gaji 2 bulan baru boleh pakai. *tolak tepi iphone. nak pakai BB ermm then pk pk balik bersepah org pakai BB soo dye mcm dh tk exclusive la. lagi pun weemmpiitzz dh ramai pkai BB. *BB rejected. then terpikir jugak nk pakai HTC lpas tgk member dorm pkai tapi sekali survey harge. peeerrrghhh, mahal la nook, tk larat aku. lagi satu dye paki software windows mobile which is mmg utk org kerja. software dye sebijik software laptop. errmm, lastly pilihan yg bersederhana is SAMSUNG. memandangkan adik aku pun baruuuuu je tuka fon samsung so aku pn nk ikut jejak langkah dye la. theeennnnn ade miracle bhai. ooppsss, i means rezeki allah yg mencurah kpd aku. aku dapat this HTC. wooooww, aunty aku yg belikan. heeehookk. aunty aku pun baru dapat iphone 4s. padahal iphone 4s tu baru je launching kat MALAYSIA and mlm tu jugak dye pg klcc around pkul 3.00 am utk beli iphone tu. can you imagine, aku baru je balik drpd sunway lagoon time tu then terus dapat khabar baik lagi gembira nie. ya allah. bahagianya. wahai HTC ku sygg, aku berjanji utk jaga kau. muaahhhmuaahh skit. hehe