My photo
I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Thursday, June 9, 2011


amirul asyhraf abdul razak .thnks a lot sbb dtg rumah i (': sumpah i tk sangka you sanggup amik risiko naik motor dgn tk da lesen , dgn jauhnye , dgn lama perjalanan 2 jam utk dtg jumpe i . *terharu gila . tapi i mcm nk marah pn ade jugak . awak tahu tk ape yg awak buat tu bahaya . kalau dekat tk pe jugak . masalahnye jauh gila tahu tk sygg . dibuatnya you excident ke , kene saman ke ,sesat ke , kene culik ke .ape i nk jawab dgn pak cik razak . aaiisshh , i tahu la you rindu and i pn rindu you jugak tapi tk payah la smpai dtg rumah i . dh la dtg sekejap je . mcm tk berbaloi tahu tk sygg . perjalannan pegi balik almost 5 hours tapi jumpe i 20 minutes je . tapii tk pe laa ,i still suka . hehe .