My photo
I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


ouuhh , semalam hantar mama kursus dekat bangi . giler mcm sedih jee . kalau abah tue x pe la jugak coz da biase abah klua . niy mama kan . *grrr ! apesal la bank mama msuk an mama dalam list . sape na jage adek-adek kat ruma ,sape na bising-bising suruh buat kerje rumah , sape na masak sedap2 , sape nak bebel-bebel . sepanjang mama xde niy TEREPAKSE la kakak take over tempat mama . *tapi ade upah tau . hahaha .adek-adek , kau jangan nak jahat sangat ! aq lepuk kepale korg . sian la kat kakak kau nih btw GOOD LUCK to you syahirah (: