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I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


5 months and 1 week , thanks for being patient with me sayang (': even i've hurt you a lot , make you cry because my jerk attitude, accuse you with a nonsense things , make a dumb face and blaa blaa blaa . i'm soooooo sorie bie . I do all of that because I am afraid to lose you and i'm swear to god that i will be your gf as long as I can . Even for 5 months I've been suffocating your life but you never suffocating me even more to support me in my daily life . 

1 . simpan cincin tu elok-elok oke .i will try to keep the ring as good as i can . (:
2 . ignore what people talked about us .  they just know say bad about other people but they do not realize that they are 10 times more worse than us . only we knows who we are .
3 . sory buat u mengamuk hari tue , tk sengaja , sape suruh tenuk tue buat cerita soo i percaya la . 
4. lain kali sepak meja kerusi kantin , patahkan terus tiang-tiang yg ada and hancuss kan terus hp oke (:
5. tk payah percaya cakap orang lain . kesimpulannya i batak you and you batak i . senang citer :D
6. lain kali i kol papa u pulak oke , hari tue mama u kan . bhahhaa
7. tk payah usha jr , lempang tahu laa
8. tahun ni berhenti smoke terus
9. i kejam ? yeahh memang , tapi untuk kebaikan u and i bukan nak control life you mcm queen control selalu buat
10. just take a good care of your self . tk payah nak takut sgtt makn ubat tue , bukan susah pun . telan je laa (: haha

psst : ily <3