My photo
I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Sunday, January 30, 2011


a big big thanks to cikgu zamri a.k.a "abah" because having a lott of trouble fer making a weird and jerk new rules fer us -..- its kinda a weird rules fer us because all those thing really mess up our daily activity . ermmm , idk what to say rite now maybe just face this rules with a big smile :D life in 2011 is really make me crazy like hell . phewww , (': im super duper tired with the packed schedule . my life are full with books (: what ! you dont believe it ? me too, but that is the fact fer now . bhahaha . 

5.15 am : bangunnnn ! mandi and siap2 nak turun surau
6.00 am : menuju ke surau untuk solat subuh and bace yassin tiap2 pagi
6.50 am : naik blok then siap and pack barang untuk sekolah
7.10 am : perut berbunyi soo pergi sarapan
7.30 am : masuk kelas and BELAJARRRRR -.-
2.30 pm : PULANGGGG !*bahagia seperti kucing mendapat susu ibu
3.00 pm : tetapi kebahagiaan itu tak tahan lame kerana ada kelas tambahan KEJURUTERAAN 
                AWAM !
4.00 pm : habes kelas TAPII masih belum bermakna kerana
4.15 pm : kelas LK pulak nak menyelit . -..-
5.15 pm : dan ketika ini rase seperti dah pandai sangat kerana terlampau banyak ilmu dekat otak.      
                PULANG KE BLOK
6.45 pm: turun surau untuk solat maghrib .
7.55 pm: ESTETIKA here i come *tusyen malam -..-
10.00 pm : balik dan supper .
10.30 pm: tuka baju . kemas katil locker and blaa blaa blaa
11.00 pm : light off and stay up dekat prep ! *HOMEWORK -.-
1.00 a.m : TIDUR -..-

7.15 am : pergi sekolah dan BELAJARR
2.30 pm : BALIK (:
3.30 pm : kelas tambahan untuk subject science *add math , phy , chem
5.00 pm : habes kelas *kalau rajin pergi turun practice main tenis or bola tampar -.-
6.55 pm: turun surau SOLAT !
7.55 pm : ESTETIKA -..-
10.00 pm: balik and supper
11.00 pm : light off dan stay up buat HW la , apee lagi kan
 1.00 am : SLEEP (: *kalau hw siap cepat dapat la tidur awal kan

7.15 am : pergi sekolah lagi -.-
3.10 pm : BALIK
3.45 pm : pergi KOKO macam haram jadah
6.00 pm : balik koko and sambung main tenis or bola tampar
6.45 pm : turun surau (:
8.00 pm : yeahh ! ini la yg aku tggu ! prep malam dekat bilik prep ! SAY NO TO TUSYEN . penat
                bhaii !
10.00 pm : supper !
11.00 pm : stay up dekat prep
12.30 am : tidur

7.15 am : pergi sekolah -..-
2.30 pm : BALIK (:
3.30 pm : prep
4.30 pm : habes prep
5.00 pm : riadah . mcm biasa . main tenis atau bola tampar
6.15 pm : balik mandi
6.50 pm : turun surau
8.00 pm : prep malam
10.00 pm : habes prep
11.000 pm : stay up
12.00 am : tidur (:

SUDAH LAA MALAS NAK CERITA !  kesimpulannye hari-hari aku penat