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I am a girl who like to stand on its own feet without seeking help from others.A girl who will end the school year full of colors and the memories will not be forgotten.A girl who has a great family, awesome besties,crazy friends and jerk enemies.Her boyfriend do treat her nicely but her going to make a *errr and bullshitt attitude. hehe ily

Sunday, December 4, 2011


okee fine.i dnt know to describe my feelings. errrr. *tarikkkk nafas then hembuss. feeuhhh !. oke lets start it. acct dh lama nak ckp. i'm looking for you girl. yess you girl ! AMALINA IDRIS*sorry tk tahu full name. after we finished our fight, seriously im looking fr you. motif ? dont know. tapi aku cari kau la. mybe sbb , sape what ! tk tahu la nk describe.ehh entah la tk tau sbb ape tp yg pnting aku cari kau balik . fr friend ? mybe tp utk gaduh NO! btw, sorry fr my wrongdoings oke .i jmpe acc fb you tp tk tahu knape berat sgt tgn nak add. not ready enough maybe -.- girl, acct i want you to know that im looking up fer you. jgn salah anggap oke. i sndri pn tk tahu knape tp hope you will get know this soon (:

p/s:be my friend ? hehe gedik